WHO er en udemokratisk, ikke-valgt og byråkratisk organisasjon som ikke står ansvarlig for noen. WHO er et maktorgan utenfor kontroll av medlemslandenes parlamenter. WHO styres og finansieres i stor grad av multinasjonale konserner, legemiddelindustrien, andre storkonserner og private stiftelser som Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation og Rockefeller Foundation. Den private finansieringen utgjør ca. 85% av WHO’s totale budsjett; medlemslandenes bidrag er kun i størrelsesorden 15%. De private aktørene har sin egen agenda for lønnsomhet og maktutfoldelse og tilskuddene derifra er hovedsakelig øremerket tiltak som fremmer deres forretningsmessige interesser. World Economic Forum (WEF) har også en sentral maktposisjon i FN- og WHO-systemet.

 - corrupt globalist scam ...




mRNA Vaccines Linked to Unbelievable Damage


New Health Regulations

What is the proposed WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty?




Sambært ST reglum er Pfizer sproytan "Eitt lívfrøðiligt vápn"!

Her er søgan upp til illgerðina!

Dr. McCullough í ES tinginum - Gevist at Covid koppseta!

The Power Grab of the WHO

WHO is going to establish a classical and totalitarian structure and wants to make sure that the value of the national constitution becomes zero!

The entire population, the judges and the politicians will only receive and view one global monetary truth!

If you analyse this international health regulations, you will find 5 elements that show that very clear!

Lawyer Philipp Kruse

Lawyer Philipp Kruse, Trust & Freedom gives a speech at the EU Parliament

Teir 5 partarnir í framløguni omanfyri eru vístir við enskum teksti niðanfyri!


Nr.1: There is a mechanism of self empowerment, there already exist today, but wich will be enlarged to an horrible extend, it will be more simple and today, for one person, the general direktor, to declare a public health emergency of inter-national concern. He can simply just say the word into a micro-phone!

Nr.4: Is specific frightening, because as human beings and trying to pursue the ideals of the enlightenment, as wery well explaned by Mattias Desmet, it dependson the right information. Now in bouth of this instruments, in "The new pandemic treaty", and in "The amended health regulations", we have bouth provisions that clearly say, WHO shall be the only soul institutions on the planet, that will be allowed to define what is the truth in health matters, including censorship.

Nr.2: All what WHO will publish under title ”recommendation” will become mendatory. I gladly state this to all media to prove, that there are today many officials that state the opposite. That this will be just be recommendations, but that is not true. No, that will become mandatory!

Geert Vanden Bossche

Serfrøði innan virologi og vaccinologi

Bossche lýsir stóra vandamálið, sum er staðfest undir verandi Covid átaki, sum er dýpið ímillum embatis-veldið, stýrt av fíggjarligum áhuga-málum, og so fremstu vísindina, sum  ynskir at veita óhefta og trygga ráðgeving! - í anda Hippocrates'ar!

Vit hava ikki tørv á at styrkt verður um verandi embatisveldi, har fremsta vísindin tilvitað er útihýst, so fíggjarligu áhugamálini hjá WHO's stuðulsveitarum verða rokkin!

Nr.3: Fundamental rights with such a regime, where you have one person declaring a emergency law, having all the power to have recom-mendation, that are legally binding, you don't even have to discuss about humans fundamental rights. Whether they are now still crossed out in article 3, or whether they may put it back into, it will not change the resulte, there will be no effective protection on the country level for fundamental human rights.

Nr.5: There is no macanisme of correction, there is no mecanisme of control, outside WHO that could correct any wrong recommen-dations or wrongly declared public health emergensy of international concern. No, they can just go on forever end forever. And all of this of course is done in the interest of our health, in the interest of the sponsors that define the truth strategi behind it.

WEF 17. jan 2024: WHO and the next Disease X

Preparations for a so-called “Disease X” were among the discussions held at the 2024 World Economic Forum in Davos. During the panel, global health authorities talked about setting plans and procedures in place to get ready for another global health crisis!

Dr. Richard Urso: Disease X Itself Won’t Be the Real ‘Weapon’ in Next Pandemic

Urso is a drug design and treatment specialist, an ophthalmologist, and former chief of orbital oncology at MD Anderson Cancer Center.

At the end of the day, the Disease X itself won’t be the real weapon. It'll be the vaccine!”

Áheitan á politisku skipanina: Urso ger vart við, at vandamikil heilivágur er nýttur í sambandi við viðgerð av Covid sjúku, og peikar m.a. á Remdesivir, sum er partur av Big Pharma protokollini í Føroyum. Remdesivir drepur! - sum er staðfest á sjúkrahúsum í USA. Hinvegin er Ivermectin bannað, sum einsamalt kundi havt tikið hond um farsóttina!

  • Tað gerst neyðugt at fáa samstarv í lag, eitt nú millum Skandinavisku londini, har skipað verður fyri felags Heilivágsgransking og -eftirliti, sum er 100% ríkisfíggjað!
  • Stovnar sum Lægemiddelstyrelsen og Sundhedsstyrelsen, sum í dag eru eitraðir av Big Pharma, mugu gerast óheftir og 100% ríkisfíggjaðir!
  • Læknaútbúgvingin, er eitrað av Big Pharma, deils við mutraðari frálæru og mentum protokollum, sum tæna Big Pharma!
  • Heilsurøkt er vorin sjúkrarøkt, har sjúklingurin verður hildin í heilivágsviðgerð!

WHO WATCH: Seventh Meeting of the Working Group on Amendments to the IHR

In May 2022, the World Health Assembly agreed to embark on a process to consider proposed amendments to the current International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR). The process is being led by the Member States of WHO through the Working Group on Amendments to the Inter-national Health Regulations (WGIHR) and builds on lessons learned from the various review panels that examined the functioning of the IHR and the global health security archi-tecture during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The seventh meeting of the Working Group on Amend-ments to the International Health Regulations (2005) (WGIHR) will be held from 5-9 February 2024.

Introduction to "New Pandemic Treaty" and "International Health Regulations"!

Lawyer Philipp Kruse: I may now start with giving you a brief introduction of the plan and what can be seen today, in from the documents that are on the table that are about to be negotiated, under the title of ”New Pandemic Treaty” and amendments to the ”International Health Regulations”?

Public Health Is Moving Toward ‘International Fascism’!

The way that public health has gone recently has become clear. As a public health physician, it's disturbing to see what has happened, but it's not surprising. It's about the path we're taking to international fascism. Public health is playing a lead role in that through Covid and the pandemic preparedness agenda that we're on now. I'm trying to point out that this is not new, and that this would be expected historically.

Dr. John Campbell

Ein stutt gjøgnumgongd við John Campbell, har hann lýsir tær kollveltandi broytingar, WHO hevur í hyggju at fremja, har m.a. rættindini hjá tí einstaka limalandinum og einstaka borgaranum verða strikaði! "WHO, við sínum peningasterku stuðulsveitarum, Big Pharma, veit sjálvsagt alt um, hvat tænir tær og mær best"!

Professor Angus Dalgleish

Physician, oncologist, pathologist, medical researcher

John Campbell tosar við Angus Dalgleish, um bók hansara "The Death of Science", har tosað verður um Covid átakið, og "the science that has been hijacked" av Big Pharma. Her verður WHO viðgjørt, og týdningin av at komandi sáttmálar ikki gerast veruleiki! 

Sera viðkomandi kunning, har gloymdi borgarin hevur tørv á, at politiska skipanin lurtar, vaknar, og fer til verka!

MP Andrew Bridgen - WHO debate in UK parliament

I thank the 116,000 members of the public who signed this public petition so that we can have this important debate today. I would also like to thank Dr David Bell—someone who actually worked for the WHO for a number of years—for his briefings to me, and also the Swiss lawyer Philipp Kruse for his contributions to the information I have with me today.

Okkara Hinvegin.fo tosar við Andrew Bridgen

Birita L. Jóansdóttir og Jón Tyril hava her prát við bretska parlamentarikaran, Andrew Bridgen. Tey práta serliga um Heimsheilsustovnin og ætlaðu broytingarnar í viðtøkunum fyri stovnin, og hvørja ávirkan tað kann hava. Hetta er sami spurningur, sum Árni Skaale, tingmaður, hevur reist sum fyrispurning í Løgtinginum.

Appel og presserende information vedr.WHO!

Risikerer danskerne at miste deres grundlovssikrede rettigheder? Facebook

Hvis WHO's vedtagne ændringsforslag, til International Health Regulation (IHR) fra maj 2022, ikke aktivt afvises af den danske regering, ved statsminister Mette Frederiksen, senest den 27. november 2023, vil konsekvensen blive forkortelse af indsigelsesperioden, fra de nuværende 18

måneder til 10 måneder, samt forkortelse af implemen-teringsperioden, på de nuværende 24 måneder, til 12 måneder.

CHD The Defender Is WHO a Front Organization for the Takeover of U.S. Government?

Analysts warn that the ratification of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) pandemic treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations could strip away sovereignty from nation-states and place public health decision-making power in the hands of the WHO and its director-general.

The WHO is planning for world tyranny

Läkaruppropet: Right now preparations are being made to turn the World Health Organization (WHO) into a key part of a global autocratic government, removing national sovereignty and replacing it with a totalitarian health state. This will come about by an extensive revision of the constitution of the WHO, the International Health Regulations (IHR), which will be legally binding in 196 countries from May 2024.


MEPs, Dr. Robert Malone & ByramBridle - press conference after the International Covid Summit III

Partur av tí sum verður umrøtt her fyri fjølmiðlum, er WHO, og tær myrku ætlanir, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation stuðlandi WHO stovnurin hevur, har heitt verður á allar politikarar, at síggja til at teirra umboð í Europaparlamentinum, taka frástøðu frá tí sum er í umbúnað!

Christine Anderson, MEP | The WHO Pandemic treaty

“If you give executive powers to a non-elected body, you no longer have a democracy, you no longer have accoun-tability of elected officials. And who will the citizens hold accountable for taking away their rights? People need to understand that if this treaty goes through you can bury democracy altogether. It is done with. The WHO has the right to call out a pandemic, or even a suspicion of one, and once they do they will seize executive powers of the member states.”


The World Health Organization (WHO) is currently negotiating an international treaty that seeks to give the WHO more legal authority over your personal health choices, rights and freedoms. This is a VERY important issue. Please take the time to review this information and share it with everyone you possibly can.

CLICK HERE to learn what happened at the World Health Assembly!

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